Charge Your Car For Free With A New Leaf Purchase From Coast Nissan

Throughout countries like the United Kingdom and the United States, electric car charging infrastructure is slowly expanding and being offered in more places. Much like traditional cars need gas stations, in order to make longer road trips electric cars need charging stations that they can visit to “refuel”. Companies like Tesla, BMW and Nissan have also worked to vastly increased the number of these stations available to driver and to speed up the charging process. Thanks to Nissan’s No Charge To Charge program, owners of the Nissan Leaf can now explore farther than ever, so head over to your local San Luis Obispo car dealer, Coast Nissan, to learn more about this program.

The Rise Of Charging Stations

One of the big concerns for many people thinking about making the switch to electric cars is the limited range. Early models could only go for less than 100 miles without needed more energy, but with new advancements such as those found on the Nissan Leaf, electric cars can easily achieve a 200 mile range. This distance is more than enough for your average work day, but planning longer adventures used to be more difficult. Now with thousands of charging stations popping up around the country, it’s easy to find a place to recharge.

No Charge To Charge

The No Charge To Charge program is free to all new Nissan Leaf buyers for two years after purchase. The Nissan charging stations are fast and powerful DC chargers that can provide a full charge in about 30 minutes, and their efficiency is only improving as the technology becomes more advanced. Nissan predicts that by 2020, electric charging stations will outnumber traditional gas stations in many cities and some countries like the UK, as they are more affordable and energy efficient. The 2018 Nissan Leaf debuts at coastal Nissan dealerships in early September and is sure to be one of the hottest cars of the year. Stop by to test drive one soon and learn more about how it can save you money.

Coast Nissan

12100 Los Osos Valley Road

San Luis Obispo, California 93405

Phone: 877.957.9019
