Sanjay Gupta has been named Nissan Motor India’s new vice president. He will report to managing director Arun Malhotra, and will be responsible for developing creative marketing strategies across product range and defining pricing, positioning, promotion and implementation. Malhotra said of the new VP, “Sanjay Gupta has a consistent record of high performance and extensive experience in automotive sales, service and marketing in India. I am happy to have a seasoned leader like him join us to accelerate Nissan’s progress in a dynamic market like India.” Gupta brings over twenty years of experience in the automotive and engineering industries in India. He has worked with organizations such as Hyundai Motor India Pvt Ltd, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Pvt Ltd, and Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India Pvt Ltd. This comes at a time when Nissan continues to strengthen its commitment to bringing electric vehicles to the masses, upon the heels of massive investments in clean tech and fuel efficiency. Stop by Coast Nissan and test drive the 2016 Nissan LEAF, and experience for yourself how Nissan is delivering innovation that excites.
Coast Nissan
12100 Los Osos Valley Road
San Luis Obispo, California 93405
Phone: 877.957.9019