Remain Safe On The Road With Some Easy Brake Pad Tips



There are many important parts to your car, including the engine, steering wheel, tires and many others. All these parts eventually need replacing or fixing depending on the wear and tear that they experience. Flat tires need to be swapped out for new ones, and an engine needs new oil and gas to keep it running smoothly. One of the most forgotten about components is the brakes, which people often just assume will always be there, but still need the same sort of care and attention.


Most car braking systems, including those found in cars like the Nissan Altima, have either 4 or eight brake pads depending on their size and towing capabilities. The braking mechanism itself isn’t too complicated, and involves the release of pressurized braking fluid when you press down on the pedal. The fluid then pushes against the brake pad, which pushes down the brake rotor and creates the friction necessary to stop. Because you are constantly using your brakes, the pads eventually get worn down thinner and thinner, so they need to be replaced around every 1 to 1.5 years. The fluid also needs to be changed out.


There are a couple of signs that your Nissan’s pads need to be changed. The most noticeable and attention grabbing is a grinding, squealing or screeching that is emitted when the pedal is depressed. The steering wheel could also be vibrating and the brake pedal itself may be lower than usual. Many Nissan’s also come equipped with a sensor that activate a light when the pads are getting thin.


It is important for your safety and others’ to ensure your brake pads will work, so let us give you a hand with all your Nissan service needs at Coast Nissan. Our San Luis Obispo car dealer will help get your car in pristine driving condition, so visit us in store or online at





Coast Nissan

12100 Los Osos Valley Road

San Luis Obispo, California 93405

Phone: 877.957.9019
