The Tokyo Auto Show takes place each year, generally around October, and shows off some of the most interesting cars for the next model year. While it may seem too far away to be start talking about, Nissan is already offering some sneak peeks at it latest creations. This year the company is slated to bring two radically different designs to the show, including a brand new version of the popular Juke, as well as the next generation of Nissan’s Z concept car.
Nissan Juke and e-Power:
The Juke is one of the most unique looking and fun-to-drive cars on the market right now. It has the perfect balance between style and performance, with its engine providing just the right amount of acceleration and power. Best of all, the car is heavily customizable, thanks to the Juke Color Studio, which puts the paint brush in your hand so you can make the interior, exterior and trim any color you might wish. Nissan has revealed that the next Juke will feature #e-Power, a simple hybrid setup that charges an electric drivetrain engine using a small three-cylinder gas engine. This has the advantage of having almost no emissions, while still maintaining an incredibly high fuel efficiency. It also travels farther than a pure electric car and provides more horsepower.
The Nissan Z Concept:
The Z concept is a car that dates back almost eight years, and this year Nissan is pulling it out again for a new look and engine update. It will likely sport a 400-horsepower capable V6 engine that will give the car some serious torque and acceleration. Much like the already popular Nissan Rogue, the Z concept will also have a hybrid engine option that trades a bit of its horsepower for a hefty boost in fuel economy.
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